Full Name: Mike Ryan Pritchard
D.O.B: May 4,1972
P.I.B: Bass guitar/back up vocals
Also Plays: Drums, guitar,farfisa, baseball bat...
Other bands: The Frustrators,Screeching Weesels, Crummy Musicians and SquirtGun.
Mike Dirnt (actually, Micheal Ryan Pritchard) was born in California on May 4th, 1972., to a heroin-addicted mother.
When Dirnt was seven, his adoptive parents divorced, and Dirnt bounced between the two until finally settling in with his
adoptive mom and older sister. That, too, was short lived, and soon Dirnt struck out on his own, working,among a handful of
jobs, at Rod's Hickery Pit where Billie Joe' mom was a waitress. He had a difficult childhood but let's say it this way, Billie
Joe brightened up his life. They met each other in the school canteen at the age of 10 and Mike got used to go to Billie Joe'
house to play guitar. Mike and Billie Joe (dream team =) did a load of covers together and Mike decided to switch to bass.
Dirnt rented a room on the side of Billie Joe' house at one point. In 1986, Mike and Billie Joe founded their first band called
Sweet Children which, in 1989, changed its name to Green Day. Eventually Billie Joe and Mike moved out and lived in a punk
rock commune called Seventh Street (some sources say that they dedicated a song called Welcome To Paradise to that place)
Mike married his girlfriend Anastasia in August of 1996, they now have a daughter named Estelle-Desiree born in
April 1997. The pressures of being in Green Day have become to much for Mike and Anastasia' marriage to withstand and they
got divorced. Unfortunatelly, they couldn't patch the things up but they are still goood friends and Mike visits their daughter
as much as he can..
He also played for The Frustrator, Screeching Weasel, Squirtgun but Green Day needed him
the most so.. All of Green Day freaks would be batty at me for not mentioning Mike's bass. The Mike Dirnt Precision BassŪ
has been designed to Mike's unique specifications and comes in three colours: Two Colour Sunburst, Black an Vintage White
so if you tend to buy one.. way to go! He also uses the Fender '62 Vintage Precision BassŪ , Fender '66 and '69 American
Standard Precision Basse and a Gibson G-3 Bass. So long..!